Prosthetic Products

To provide you with a superior device we do something very important first. We want to get to know you. It is important to understand your lifestyle and goals. Whether returning to work, walking the dog, cutting the grass, playing with your children, running or just simply getting around. Each device is unique and custom fabricated to fit your needs. 

There are a vast amount of componentry options on the market today and our experienced staff, with your input is here to ensure you receive the most appropriate device. We will take the time to explain each option, helping to fit our patients with a device that meets their needs.

We specialize in:

Adult, Geriatric, and Pediatric Upper and Lower Extremity prosthesis including:


Medicare Functional K-Levels
Why do we care about our amputee K-level at all? For one, Medicare and health insurance plans rely on the K-level when approving a prosthetic leg and its components. Once an amputee is assigned a K-level, this dictates the class of components the amputee can purchase.

  • K0 – No Mobility. This base level is assigned to amputees who do not have the ability or potential to ambulate or transfer safely with or without assistance. A prosthesis does not enhance the quality of life or mobility of the amputee.
  • K1 – Very Limited Mobility. The amputee has the ability or potential to use a prosthesis for transfers or ambulation in level surfaces at a fixed walking pace. Walking at various speeds, bypassing obstacles of any kind are out of the K1 class.
  • K2 – Limited Mobility – The amputee has the ability or potential to use a prosthesis for  ambulation and the ability to adjust for low-level environmental barriers such as curbs, stairs, or uneven surfaces. K2 level amputees may walk for limited periods of time however, without significantly varying their speed.
  • K3 - Basic to Normal Mobility. The amputee has the ability or potential to use a prosthesis for basic ambulation and the ability to adjust for most environmental barriers. The amputee has the ability to walk at varying speeds.
  • K4 – High Activity. The amputee exceeds basic mobility and applies high impact and stress to the prosthetic leg. Typical of the prosthetic demands of the child, active adult, or athlete.

Amputee K-levels are determined by the treating physician, therapist and/or your prosthetist. To evaluate the amputee condition, the Rehab Team will consider previous activity of the amputee, residual limb condition, other medical problems, the amputee desire for activity, etc. Naturally, such factors change with time hence, the amputee K-level is dynamic and may change with time. 

A motivated amputee would most probably go up K-levels. It is important for an active amputee to be classified in his/her appropriate K-Level so that components that are designed for their activity level would be covered for payment under the Medicare policy. If your functional ability increases over time, your rating can be changed to a higher level.